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Facilities Management

GT Express

Artist Software

GT Express is a feature-packed AutoCAD productivity software package. Atthe heart of GT Express is sophisticated Display List Processing (DLP)technology that enables the AutoCAD user to move around a drawing withunprecedented speed and ease. A "bird's eye view" feature enables usersto view the entire drawing while zoomed into a detail of the drawing.FLEXICON is an on-screen iconic menuing environment that moves yourdigitizer to the screen in the form of pop-up icons. Productivity can beincreased and AutoCAD learning times can be decreased by using theAUTOCLIC feature, which brings virtually every command to intuitivecommand sequences. Many respected developers of add-on software forAutoCAD also use the FLEXICON technology.

Language: C
Source Avail: No
Product Special Handling: None.
Operating Systems: Solaris Sparc 1.0

Artist Software
2675 Patton Road
St. Paul, MN 55113
Phone: (612) 631-7800
        (800) 999-9678
Fax: (612) 631-7802